Adoption outreach refers to all of the actions that prospective adoptive families can take to find and be found by expectant parents considering an adoption plan for their child. Adoption outreach can range from simply telling friends and family to help spread the word that you’re looking to adopt, to leveraging various social media platforms, to paid advertising (where it is legal to utilize it).

Statistics show that birthrates are down, more families are looking to adopt and fewer women are making adoption plans through traditional models. That’s why we encourage our Purl families to do some adoption outreach on their own even if they are working with our recommended attorneys and agencies.

Here are ten ideas for DIY adoption outreach that help get the word out about your desire to adopt (and some will even help fund your adoption as well):

1.    Create a short adoption profile and other easily-sharable adoption outreach materials. Develop a shorter version of your family profile that is cheaper and easier to share with various sources. You can create outreach cards, pull-tab flyers, or business cards and give them out to anyone willing to share your adoption journey. (If you need help with design, check out our Adoption Outreach Design Package)

2.    Share your desire to adopt with service providers. Share your plan to adopt and your adoption outreach materials with your primary care doctor, OB/GYN, pediatricians, dentists, hairdressers, nail technicians, therapists, counselors, pastor/priest/rabbi and ask them to help you spread the word.

3.    Distribute outreach materials throughout your community. Post outreach cards or pull-tab flyers at coffee shops, libraries, taverns, college campuses, grocery stores, churches and community centers.

4.    Create a simple adoption website and social media pages. Consider using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Make sure to create public pages that are available to anyone to view, even if they aren’t your “friends” or “followers” on the platform. All social media accounts should link to at least a simple website or a Facebook page with your adoption contact information and a downloadable copy of your full family profile. Post to these pages often and ask friends and family to share your posts.

5.    Host an adoption garage sale. Solicit items from family and friends to sell at a garage sale. Publicize that all proceeds are going towards your adoption. On the day of the sale or when friends and family drop off items, have copies of your profile, outreach letter and outreach cards for people to take with them.

6.    Wear an adoption T-shirt. Create fun, custom t-shirts to wear when attending events with larger crowds. Include a phone number or website so people can follow up with you if they see you but don’t want to strike up a conversation in person. You’ll be surprised who will come up and talk to you about adoption!

7.    Create a bumper sticker or car wrap.  Keep your message short but include your website or phone number and become your own mobile billboard.

8.    Cross-promote with small business owners and MLM parties. Consider asking friends who are part of a multi-level marketing program (like Pampered Chef, Stella & Dot, Roden & Fields, Beauty Counter, Monat and others) if they would be willing to help you by hosting a party where some of the proceeds go to your adoption journey. Ask friends to invite their friends to the party to expand your reach beyond your immediate circle.

9.    Create a blog about your adoption journey. Start a blog about your adoption journey and share with friends, family and co-workers, asking them to share with others.

10.  Host an online auction. Ask friends and family, particularly those with creative businesses, to donate items to an adoption auction. Utilize a site like to publicize your adoption journey and sell the items you have gathered to help fund your adoption.

Finally, before you engage in any paid advertising, we recommend communicating with an adoption attorney in your area to ensure there are no restrictions on paid advertising in your state or in the states you plan to advertise.

We hope these ideas help you get started with your adoption outreach. For more guidance on adoption outreach or to speak with Purl about any of our adoption services, contact us today. If you are interested in learning more about our Adoption Outreach Design Package that includes the Outreach Card, Business Card and Pull-Tab Flyer, send us a request via the form below.


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