We are thrilled to introduce you to a wonderful Purl Family from Colorado: Taylor, Kelsey, and their charming son Clark! This close-knit family cherishes time spent together and with loved ones. With a history of adoption in their family, they are overjoyed to expand their family through adoption and welcome a new member with open arms.

Kelsey and Taylor’s love story began in Denver, Colorado at a Kentucky Derby Party where the winning horse was named “Authentic”. This coincidence symbolizes their genuine and loving relationship. Kelsey and Taylor complement each other perfectly. Kelsey effortlessly infuses joy into even the most mundane tasks, while Taylor’s culinary skills create a sense of unity and warmth, bringing people together through the love of food.

Weekends for them are filled with exploring hiking trails and enjoying time with their tight-knit circle of friends. They are grateful for the supportive community they have in a city they adore. With a happy and lively toddler eagerly awaiting a sibling, they are eager to continue growing their loving family.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child, we hope that you will think of Kelsey and Taylor. To learn more about them, download their family profile. If you want to reach out to them directly you can email them by filling out the form below.