California prospective adoptive family

We are thrilled to introduce you to this home study approved trio from California: David, Sara, and their adorable adopted son Oscar. Over the course of 12 years, David and Sara have built a life full of love, and now they’re excited to extend that love to another child through adoption!

Sara hails from Italy and David from California. Their love story unfolded in London and took them to various parts of the world before settling in California to be closer to family. Their journey to parenthood began when they welcomed Oscar into their lives two years ago. Their open adoption has created a heartwarming connection with Oscar’s birth parents, ensuring that Oscar is enveloped in love from all directions.

Their zest for life is shared with dear friends, as they cook, explore, and enjoy poolside fun. In their own words, “Our family is built on a foundation of love, we grow through our shared adventures and support each other unconditionally. We feel so blessed to have grown our family through adoption and we approach each step of the adoption journey with open hearts.”

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child, we hope that you will think of David and Sara. To learn more about them, download their family profile. If you want to reach out to them directly, you can call/text them at (424) 259-3380, or email them by filling out the form below.