When a family first considers adoption, it can be helpful to hear from adoptive families about their experiences to help them determine their best path for their journey. Today, we are sharing a Q & A with “S.”, an adoptive momma who chose Purl to advise her and her husband during their adoption journey.
1. Briefly describe your adoption journey and your child through adoption.
Our adoption journey was unexpected. Going into it, we thought this was going to be a long journey, despite Katie (Purl Adoption Advisory) telling us it could happen fast. We started the process in mid-February and the next thing we knew, we were home-study approved and certified by the court to adopt (a required step in Arizona). We had been taking our time working on our profile book only to have Katie call us about a possible adoption opportunity we needed to present our family profile book to right away. The expectant momma was interested in learning more about us after seeing our profile book, that Purl’s designer put together quickly so we could present. The expectant momma and I had a few conversations and then a lunch with my husband and I on Saturday. As we were driving home, we received “the call” that she wanted to move forward with us. She was due in 2-3 weeks so we felt had a moment to breathe and get the car seat ready. Monday evening as I am entering Costco, I receive a call from her attorney which I was assuming was about paperwork only to hear that the expectant mom was in labor. Our little boy was born shortly after we arrived at the hospital. We were lucky enough to be with him after right after the birth and to have a room at the hospital next to his birth mother. Looking back, this was one of the most unexpected things, having the nursing staff work so hard to keep us all together until the discharge date. The adoption process that we thought would take years, was finalized in August in just six short months from when we started the process.
2. What were some of the hardships you encountered in your adoption journey?
Once we started the adoption process, it felt like time moved so fast. Looking back, the hardest part of our adoption story was getting through the first three days of our son’s life and the additional thirty days we had to wait to ensure the biological father didn’t want to parent the child. We wanted to share our little guy with everyone but the uncertainty of the next month was tough and kept us very guarded.
3. What made you decide to adopt?
Our journey to a family of three was much longer than we imagined when we first decided to start a family; however things have a funny way of working out exactly like there are supposed to be. We had talked about adoption over the years but fear truly held us back and we decided that our path was just as a couple. We were healthy and happy and hoped to embrace things as they were. Years later, we were surprised to find ourselves expecting a child biologically only to find ourselves right back on that path as a family of two. If it were not for this little surprise digging deep into us and our entire extended family daily reminding us we were parents missing a child, we would have missed out on the best little boy who was meant to be in our family.
4. What has been a surprising piece of adoption for you, in hind-sight?
The most amazing thing is that feeling when this baby enters your life and you can’t remember what your life was like without them…like they have always been there.
5. What made you decide to sign up with Purl to help in your journey?
Katie, my husband and I all went to high school together. When we were discussing adoption, Katie had just launched Purl and we learned about the launch through friends on Facebook. We took it as a very big sign to connect with her and move forward. It was the best decision we ever made!
6. What was the best part about working with Purl?
The best part for us was having someone to talk and text with about any little item that popped up. Katie was always a calming voice of reason. She also connects Purl families with social workers and attorneys that share her same professional standards and genuine excitement for the creation of families. The amount of support we were surrounded with during the entire process was amazing.
7. What advice would you give to others considering adoption?
Don’t overthink it. Don’t worry about the what-ifs. Go for it. It is worth it!
Thank you, S. for sharing your sacred adoption story with us. We hope you found it as encouraging as we did!