We are so excited to introduce this lovely home-study approved (and certified to adopt) Purl couple from Arizona: Michael and Somer! They met at a restaurant near their college campus and became best friends, spending their free time traveling and doing everything together. Over the next ten years, they supported each other through every aspect of life, and decided to elope shortly after completing graduate school.

Arizona Hopeful Adoptive couple Somer loves running, reading books and listening to podcasts. Michael describes her as intelligent, kind and passionate for those that she loves. He believes her strong work ethic and the powerful way she supports and loves her family are just a few things that will make her a great mother. Michael enjoys cooking, hosting casual outside dinners for family and friends, and loves to learn (as he is currently finishing his fourth degree!). The thing Somer loves most about about Michael is his ability to make the most boring of situations fun. She describes him as positive and generous. She knows he’ll be the most amazing father and is so excited to start this journey of parenthood with him! They cannot wait to share the life they have created with a child through adoption, and they will continuously work to ensure a safe, happy and enriching home environment.