Adoptive Couple in Arizona

We are so excited to introduce you to this amazing, home study-approved (and certified to adopt) Purl Arizona Adoptive Couple: Chad and Laura. They are an outdoorsy, adventurous couple. Chad and Laura love hiking, going to beaches and lakes, and spoiling their two rescue dogs. After 15 years of adventures together, they are excited to share adventures with a child and guide and support them through all of life’s experiences.

This Arizona Adoptive Couple is a supportive and loving couple who is close with their families – and can’t wait to start their own. Adoption has always been part of their lives. Laura’s dad and two of Chad’s cousins were adopted as infants, and it’s something they have talked about for several years. Chad and Laura have seen first-hand how adoption is a special way to grow a family!

Chad and Laura are very close with their nieces and nephews. They love having them for sleepovers, going to the zoo together, and taking them on special one-on-one trips and adventures. Traveling is a favorite pastime and some of their favorite trips have been to Hawaii, Alaska, the Caribbean and Disney.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child, we hope that you will think of this Arizona Adoptive Couple, Chad and Laura. To learn more about them, download their family profile. If you want to reach out to them directly, you can call/text them at (623) 428-9848 or email them by filling out the form below.