We are so excited to introduce you to this amazing, home study approved Purl Family, and Kansas adoptive family: Matt, Marissa and their sweet son Carter! Matt and Marissa met on a church youth group ski trip back in high school. Over time, fate kept bringing them together and they eventually started dating. After a few years, Matt and Marissa were married and knew they wanted to start a family. They adopted their son 3 years ago, and are so excited to share their love with another child through adoption!

Life for this family currently involves getting together with extended family, going on vacations, and doing fun activities. Some of their favorite things to do together include swimming, camping, sporting games, and zoo trips. They are looking forward to sharing these experiences with another little one some day! According to Matt, Marissa is the most selfless person he has ever met. He says there are no words to describe how great of a mom she is. Matt calls her his angel because, to him, she is one. In Marissa’s words, Matt has a very strong work ethic and will accomplish anything that he sets out to achieve. She says he is her very best friend, and she feels so lucky to watch him be such an amazing a dad to their son. Carter is a happy 3 year old whose smile lights up the room. He can often be found dancing, reading books, and playing with his trucks. Carter loves babies and mom and dad can’t wait to watch him be a big brother! Matt and Marissa can hardly wait to grow their family through adoption, again!

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering adoption for their child, we hope that you will think of Matt and Marissa. To learn more about this Kansas adoptive family, download their family profile. If you want to reach out to them directly, you can call/text them at (913) 585-4308, or email them by filling out the form below.