Adoption Grants

Funding Your Adoption Using Adoption Grants

2023-04-11T17:33:33-07:00April 4, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Grants, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Funding Your Adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn|

Did you know that there are a lot of organizations that are available to help fund your domestic infant adoption through adoption grants? As we have discussed before, domestic infant adoption costs are high, and have been increasing dramatically in the last few years, as it seems everything is! The ...

  • adoption costs, funding your adoption, fees in adoption, adoption fees

Adoption Costs Today

2023-09-14T11:47:39-07:00November 8, 2022|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Grants, Adoption Home Study, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Process, Funding Your Adoption, Learn|

Are you considering adoption, but are unsure of the various costs you may incur in order to adopt? The costs you might see in a domestic infant adoption will vary considerably depending on the type of adoption (private/independent, attorney, or agency adoption) and the state from which you are adopting. The adoption professionals recommended by Purl typically have adoption opportunities with total costs (including home study related costs) ranging between $14,000 and $60,000, with the majority today falling between $35,000 and $50,000. In this article, we break down the types of costs prospective adoptive parents may incur during their adoption journey. To read more, click here.