
About Katie Zimmerman

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So far Katie Zimmerman has created 28 blog entries.
  • Mother's Day Photo

Mother’s Day as an Adoptive Family

2024-05-02T15:32:16-07:00May 2, 2024|Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Domestic infant adoption, Infertility, Learn|

This blog post discusses the emotions for so many surrounding Mother's Day, and specficially how to honor a birth mother surrounding Mother's Day and Birth Mother's Day. This post includes suggestions on cards and gifts to honor a birth mother in domestic adoption on Mother's Day. Click here to read more.

An Anonymous Letter from An Adoptive Mom to Her Parents

2024-03-13T09:03:29-07:00March 13, 2024|Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Infertility, Learn|

Adoption is hard, and sometimes it is hard in ways you didn't prepare for. Many of the adoptive families we work with at Purl spend countless hours preparing for the adoption process and life after adoption, but sometimes the obstacles post-adoption cannot be predicted no matter the education and preparation. Will your extended family welcome the child through adoption and love the child through adoption as if it were a child to whom you gave birth? In today's heartbreaking post, an anonymous Adoptive Mom shares a poignant letter to her parents after learning post-adoption that her family was not as accepting of their children as they were to other grandchildren who joined the family biologically. We hope this post helps you to analyze your entire support system as you pursue adoption and prepare for this possibility. Click here to read more.

  • agreement

PACA – What is a Post-Adoption Contact Agreement?

2024-03-05T18:00:05-07:00March 5, 2024|Adoption Education, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn, Open Adoption (Learn)|

This post discusses the post-adoption contact agreement ("PACA") and its use in domestic adoption. A PACA is an agreement between the parties to the adoption and sets forth the minimum contact agreed upon by the parties and how that contact will take place. This post discusses how and when these agreements are enforceable, as well as the parties to these agreements. We also share our advice to include a written PACA in every adoption, even if it may not be enforceable in the respective state, as it can still be helpful in setting expectations amongst the parties as to the type of openness in the adoption going forward. To read more about a post adoption contact agreement or PACA, click here.

  • CA Prospective Adoptive Family

Featured Family – Josh and Emma

2024-06-10T10:29:56-07:00January 17, 2024|Closed Adoption, Married Couple, No Children, Open Adoption, Open to any race, Open to either gender, Purl Families, Semi-Open Adoption, Transracial Adoption|

We couldn’t be happier to introduce home study-approved California Couple: Josh and Emma, a fun-loving, biracial couple. Adoption was never a last resort for Josh and Emma as it was always in their plans to grow their family. They are beyond excited to embark on this new adventure and are ready to provide a loving and nurturing home. Click here to read more about them, download their profile or contact them directly!

Featured Family – Dan and Alex

2024-05-12T15:17:39-07:00December 8, 2023|We've Adopted!|

We couldn’t be happier to introduce home study-approved Florida family: Alex and Dan, a fun-loving, same-sex couple. Their journey as a couple has been nothing short of amazing, taking them on a cross-country adventure filled with love, laughter, and delicious food. Along the way, they have built a fulfilling life together and have always shared the dream of expanding their family. Click here to read more about them, download their profile or contact them directly!

  • Adoption profiles

The Adoption Profile: How It Is Used and How Important It Really Is

2023-11-27T10:13:14-07:00November 27, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Profile, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn|

It is hard for me to often express how important I (Katie: CEO/Founder of Purl) believe the adoption profile is in a domestic adoption journey. We find that many prospective adoptive families believe this is an area they can save money in their adoption process, or they think they have some design background so they can pull it off better than a professional designer. But I find typically that families that are creating their own adoption profile, or using an inexperienced profile designer, wait much longer in their adoption journey than families that have a great profile.  In this blog post, we'll explain more about how the adoption profile is used in the adoption journey, in order to explain its importance in the domestic adoption journey. Click here to read more.

  • adoption education for adoptive parents

Resources for Talking To Your Child About Adoption

2023-11-15T12:39:04-07:00November 14, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Domestic infant adoption, Learn, Open Adoption (Learn)|

As we have talked about more this National Adoption Awareness Month, we are trying to focus more on adoptees and how THEY feel about adoption, rather than continue to push the rosy narrative common of the adoptive parent and adoption professional. One thing I've (Katie: CEO/Found of Purl) found is ...

Featured Family – Nelson and Daniel

2024-04-12T09:07:35-07:00November 2, 2023|Christian/Catholic Family, Closed Adoption, Hispanic/Latino Family, Married Couple, No Children, Open Adoption, Open to any race, Open to either gender, Purl Families, Same-Sex Couple, Semi-Open Adoption, Transracial Adoption|

We are thrilled to introduce our newest home study-approved Purl Family from Pennsylvania, Nelson and Daniel! Both Nelson and Daniel are originally from Puerto Rico and they met when they were 15 years old. It wasn't until they reconnected eight years later though that they figured out they were meant to be together forever! They share that their family is built on a foundation of love and respect, and they support each other unconditionally. They feel so blessed to grow their family through adoption and they approach every step of the adoption journey with open hearts. Click here to read more about them, download their profile or contact them directly!

  • two sisters through adoption

Giving Young Adoptees Tools to Discuss Adoption (OR NOT!)

2023-07-29T13:04:49-07:00July 28, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Perspectives, Domestic infant adoption|

As you may know, I (Katie - Founder/CEO) have two daughters that are only eight months apart in age. We are that cliché that everyone talks about, we discovered a very unexpected pregnancy after already being placed with our daughter through adoption. Before someone asks, it was not because we "relaxed and stopped trying and then it just happened". There was nothing relaxing about the adoption process or the adoption disruption we had around the time we must have conceived our younger daughter. But, we were very lucky to have become pregnant naturally after being unsuccessful in multiple rounds of fertility treatments, and we feel so lucky to have our two daughters. But having siblings through adoption - one adopted and one a biological child can present some unique situations and considerations for adoptive families, especially if they are close to the same age, or if they are of a different ethnicity. To read more about education that is necessary for our kids in these situations, click here.

  • filling the gaps in domestic infant adoption

Problems in Domestic Adoption and Purl Filling a HUGE Gap

2024-06-01T16:58:42-07:00July 8, 2023|Adoption Advisor, Adoption Education, Adoption is Hard, Adoption Outreach, Adoption Perspectives, Adoption Process, Domestic infant adoption, Hoping to Adopt, Learn, Open Adoption (Learn)|

What a week it has been! Please excuse the rant that follows as I (Katie - CEO/Founder) share some of my frustrations about the current state of the world of domestic infant adoption. Whether it be recently explaining to an agency director why I won't recommend their licensed adoption agency that routinely ships the expectant mothers they work with across lines to their "adoption friendly" state, or having to justify the work that Purl is doing as an adoption advisor in a sea of unethical adoption professionals, I'm frankly exhausted and questioning why I make the huge effort to do the work I do. Today I candidly some of my thoughts on the problems with the current state of domestic adoption and explain again what Purl is doing to fill the HUGE gaps caused by other adoption professionals. Click here to read more.

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